Brad, Erin, Kenna & Ashlyn

Friday, December 11, 2009

2nD aNnUaL cOoKiE pArTy!

It's that time of year again - time for our 2nd annual cookie party. You could also call it a "frosting party" or "sprinkle party". I made about 7-8 dozen sugar cookies earlier this afternoon. 8 girls and Lukey arrived at 4pm and the festivities started. The kids had a great time decorating all the cookies. We had plenty of snacks and hot chocoate - can't wait to do it again next year! Thanks to all our friends for coming.
Thank you Janelle for taking all these pictues for me.
Ashlyn and Elzabeth

Ellie - Emma


Addison - Annika



Aslyn & Elizabeth

Emma & Ellie

Cookies ..... Cookis .... Cookies .... Cookies!

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